1st Russia-Brazil Online Symposium
“Novel complex alloys and advanced processes for optimized functional properties”
May 21-23, 2024
Program and abstracts
This symposium focuses on the design, modeling, production and characterization of alloys with microstructural characteristics optimized for different applications. The following properties of the alloys are of particular interest:
corrosion and wear resistance;
mechanical strength and microstructure stability at high temperatures,
hydrogen storage in solids forming hydrides or solid solutions with hydrogen.
Presentations may include works on complex systems such as high-entropy alloys, metallic glasses, nanocrystalline alloys, and quasicrystals as well as results of the in-depth fundamental studies of conventional and well-established alloy systems processed by the advanced methods.
The symposium will promote collaboration between Russian and Brazilian researchers and strengthen scientific ties between the countries.
The participation of graduate and post-graduate students in the symposium is encouraged.
Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia
Federal University of São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Organizing Committee
Guilherme Y. Koga, Brazil (Chairman)
Dina V. Dudina, Russia (Chairman)
Alexandr A. Shtertser, Russia
Igor S. Batraev, Russia
Ivan A. Bataev, Russia
Alexander G. Anisimov, Russia
Vladimir Yu. Ulianitsky, Russia
Alexander P. Chupakhin, Russia
Evgeny M. Rudoy, Russia
Alexander K. Khe, Russia
Vyacheslav V. Krizhanovskiy, Russia
Alberto Moreira Jorge Jr., Brazil, France
Guilherme Zepon, Brazil
Piter Gargarella, Brazil
Francisco Gil Coury, Brazil
Eric Marchezini Mazzer, Brazil
Lucas Barcelos Otani, Brazil
Brenda Juliet Martins Freitas, Brazil
Conference fee
The participation in the symposium is free of charge.
The official language of the symposium is English.
Symposium format
All presentations will be delivered online. A link to an online platform will be sent to the participants. The symposium program and the abstract brochure will also be sent to the participants before the symposium.
Important dates
Registration form and abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2024
Notification of acceptance: April 25, 2024
Conference dates: May 21-23, 2024
Abstracts submission guidelines
Please submit your registration form and abstract in English to
ddudina@hydro.nsc.ru (Dr. Dina V. Dudina)
The registration form should contain the following information:
Name, Surname, Academic Degree, Affiliation, Position, Postal address, E-mail address, Presentation title, Full paper submission plan (yes/no).
The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
Publication of full papers
The participants are welcome to submit full papers to Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Alexander P. Chupakhin).
The information about the Journal can be found at the following links: https://sibran.ru/en/journals/PMiTPh/
The papers should be submitted after the Conference and before December 31, 2024. The papers will be published in the issues of the Journal upon completion of the peer-reviewing process in the case of positive decision of the Editor. Early submissions are much appreciated. If the manuscript is submitted before June 1, 2024, it can be published in 2024. Papers submitted after June 1, 2024 will be included in the 2025 issues of the Journal.
The paper submission instructions can be found at https://sibran.ru/en/journals/PMiTPh/ (Authors’ instructions).
The submissions should be sent to the Editorial Office via e-mail to pmtf@sibran.ru
The papers will be published in both Russian and English. Papers submitted in English will be translated into Russian by the Editorial Office. Participants from Russia should submit their papers in Russian.